Democrat Malinowski’s allies in Myanmar face allegations of genocide at International Court

Democrat Congressman Tom Malinowski called Aung San Suu Kyi “someone who symbolized to people all over the world what was good and hopeful and promising.” Today, at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, the political leader who Malinowski called “a beautiful contrast” to “ugliness and evil” will attempt to answer allegations that her government either participated in or allowed the mass genocide of the Rohingya population in Myanmar – a nation in which Congressman Malinowski had a business interest at the time of his congressional campaign in 2018. The BBC picks up the story:

Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi is appearing at the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) to defend her country against accusations of genocide.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate has heard allegations Myanmar committed atrocities against Muslim Rohingya.

Thousands of Rohingya were killed and more than 700,000 fled to neighbouring Bangladesh during an army crackdown in the Buddhist-majority country in 2017. Myanmar has always insisted it was tackling an extremist threat.

It marks a remarkable fall from grace for Ms Suu Kyi, who used to be seen as an icon for global human rights… Entering court in The Hague, Ms Suu Kyi made no comment when asked by the BBC if she was defending the indefensible. She will address the court on 11 December.

The case has been brought by The Gambia, a small Muslim-majority west African nation, on behalf of dozens of other Muslim countries.

At the initial three-day hearing, it is asking the ICJ in The Hague to approve temporary measures to protect the Rohingya. But a final ruling on genocide may be years away.

The oldest magazine in the English-speaking world – The Spectator – recently reminded its readers of the 2017 study conclusively reporting that 92 percent of all terrorism murders in the United States were the work of Islamist fanatics. 92 percent.

Of course, both here and around the world, innocent Muslims have themselves been victims of terrorism perpetrated against them by Islamist fanatics. The most notable outrage against innocent Muslims being perpetrated at the moment is in Burma and the perpetrators are not fellow Islamists, but rather…

Congressman Tom Malinowski would have you believe that its “White Americans” who are oppressing the innocent Muslim population of Burma, known as the Rohingya people. That’s what Malinowski would have you believe, but it’s a lie.

There’s been a genocide going on in the former Burma – now called Myanmar – since 2012, when the military started persecuting an ethnic minority called the Rohingya people, many of whom practice the Muslim faith in this majority Buddhist country. Around the time that Tom Malinowski began his campaign for Congress – in August of 2017 – the government of Myanmar let loose its latest pogrom on the Rohingyas. This included “atrocities” in the form of “looting and burning down Rohingya villages, mass killing of Rohingya civilians, gang rapes, and other sexual violence.”

Médecins Sans Frontières estimated in December 2017 that the violence claimed the lives of “at least 10,000 Rohingya people… At least 392 Rohingya villages in Rakhine state were reported as burned down and destroyed… as well as the looting of many Rohingya houses, and widespread gang rapes and other forms of sexual violence against the Rohingya Muslim women and girls.”

In September 2018, the United Nations reported that over 700,000 Rohingya people had been driven out of Rakhine state and had become refugees in neighboring Bangladesh. Two Reuters journalists covering a massacre of innocent people at Inn Din were arrested and imprisoned by the Myanmar government.

Agencies of the United Nations and the International Criminal Court have termed these attacks as acts of “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”. In August 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights declared that the leaders in Myanmar should face charges in the International Criminal Court for "crimes against humanity", including acts of "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide."

The leader of Myanmar, State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi was strongly criticized for her inaction and silence in response to the military abuses. On September 27, 2018, the Canadian Parliament voted unanimously to dispossess Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship for the atrocities against Rohingya Muslims.

Tom Malinowski personally knows State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and has, in the past, championed her. Unfortunately, back when he was working for the State Department – during the administration of President Barack Obama – Malinowski had the opportunity to publicly say something about the genocide, instead, said nothing. In 2014, the organization United to End Genocide reported:

“The Burmese government has isolated and demonized the 1.3 million Rohingya in Burma as part of a plan to promote a singular nationalist and Buddhist identity. This was formalized in the 1982 Citizenship Act when they were declared ‘non-national’ or ‘foreign residents.’ Today, the Rohingya have become outsiders in a land they have occupied for generations. They are prohibited from marrying, having children, working, obtaining healthcare and going to school...

So who can the Rohingya rely on for protection? Instead of taking a hardline approach against Burma’s repressive government, much of the international community is fighting for the economic spoils of a resource-rich country that is now opening its economy to the world.

Eager to please the Burmese government, the international community is now honoring Burma’s request not even to mention the name Rohingya.

In August, when U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Burma, he met with President Thein Sein and other leading officials, and did not use the word Rohingya. When questioned, a State Department representative said the name issue should be ‘set aside.’

Earlier this summer, Tom Malinowski, the U.S. Special Envoy for Human Rights, visited Burma and failed to say the word ‘Rohingya’. When giving a presentation on the status of the Rakhine state where the majority of the Rohingya live, he did not even acknowledge the group.”

Think about that for just a moment…

This is the same Tom Malinowski who weeps publicly because not enough taxpayer money is being spent on providing Sanctuary State services to illegal immigrants in New Jersey. But then he does nothing – won’t even acknowledge – the plight of people who have been deemed “foreign” in their own country.

In Congress and in newspaper op-eds, Tom Malinowski has been blaming “White Americans” and labeling them the world’s worst terrorists. But when an actual bricks and mortar government and its military commits institutional genocide and crimes against humanity… it’s crickets. Tom Malinowski does nothing.

And remember these words from United to End Genocide… “Instead of taking a hardline approach against Burma’s repressive government, much of the international community is fighting for the economic spoils of a resource-rich country that is now opening its economy to the world. Eager to please the Burmese government, the international community is now honoring Burma’s request not even to mention the name Rohingya.”

So what did Tom Malinowski do in between leaving the Obama State Department and running for Congress? Well, it was disclosed in “Schedule E” of his personal financial disclosure when he filed for Congress. Tom Malinowski was on the Board of Advisors of something called the Inle Advisory Group.

You guessed it. Malinowski tried to help the “international community” cash in on those “economic spoils” of “resource-rich” Myanmar/Burma. Tom Malinowski became part of an entity called the Inle Advisory Group. Who are they? Well, we’ll let them tell you themselves…

Uniting Myanmar’s Heritage With its Brightest Future.

Inle Advisory Group is a boutique firm focused on development opportunities in Myanmar. As Myanmar opens up to political and economic engagement from around the globe, Inle Advisory Group will be there to provide in-depth and comprehensive advisory services for clients across industries.

Like the iconic fishermen using his distinctive rowing style to navigate the difficult waters of Inle Lake, Inle Advisory Group will utilize our unique knowhow and capabilities to steer our clients through the many investment challenges. The strength of Inle Advisory Group is unparalleled knowledge of Myanmar. This deep expertise equips us to provide clients looking to invest in the world’s newest emerging market with a tailored package of the best possible tools and strategies for long-term growth and desired results.

Inle Advisory Group will ensure our clients are fully informed to invest successfully in a challenging environment, promoting the “gold standard” of business practices that will benefit U.S. companies and the people of Myanmar.

Something tells us that there was an Inle-type “advisory group” back in the 1930’s promoting a “gold standard” of business practices and enabling another regime set on genocide. Hey Congressman, is trade really the right response to genocide and crimes against humanity? What point is made by making murderers rich?

Should Congressman Tom Malinowski apologize for ignoring the genocide of innocent Muslims? Should he apologize for shilling for the murderous regime implicated in that genocide?

As the proceedings unfold at the International Court of Justice at the Hague, we are about to learn the true extent of the crimes against humanity that Congressman Malinowski ignored. Stay tuned…

It is time to recognize Sept 11, 2001 as a “Hate Crime”

Most Americans would agree that the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York City and Washington, DC -- along with the hijacking and destruction of a passenger jet over Pennsylvania -- were crimes motivated by hate.  In the aftermath of the attack, no less than the President and the United States Attorney General agreed with this assessment. 
Now go to the U.S. Justice Department's Uniform Crime Report for 2001.  The report counts 12,020 victims of crimes that were the result of the "offender's bias."  7,768 of these were victims of "crimes against persons", with another 4,176 counted as victims of "crimes against property." 
Among the victims counted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Hate Crime Data Collection Program were 554 victims of "anti-Islamic" bias crimes.  According to the official USDOJ/FBI figures for 2001, just 10 people died (murder/non-negligent manslaughter) in the United States as the result of crimes motivated by hate.  By our count, that is 3,037 victims short. 
The count of homicides in New York City for that year does not reflect the 2,823 victims of mass murder at the World Trade Center; or the 184 victims at the Pentagon; or even the 40 victims in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  They were all left out of the murder count.    
If you read the official homicide figures for 2001, you will find that the deadliest month in 2001 was July -- and that September actually experienced a drop in homicides from August before rising again in October.  This is not the fault of the FBI, who do their best, but who are, after all, servants of a political class more interested in the preservation of power than in honest and transparent government.
Isn’t it time that the United States government recognize the victims of September 11 ,2001, as victims of a “Hate Crime”?
How meaningful is the term “hate crime” when the victims of September 11, 2001 are not counted?  The term is a scam, a hypocrisy, when it ignores those dead.
Of course, we know the term “Hate Crime” is a very subjective one and too often it has been used as a tool of partisan politics by less than honest folks trying to score points against their opponents. 
Congressman Tom Malinowski likes to change the subject and direct us to the fashionable new threat of “white supremacy”.  You are encouraged to spy on your neighbor because he or she might be a “terrorist”.  Malinowski ignores the fact that he’s supported by Action Together New Jersey, a group that works with CAIR (the Council of American-Islamic Relations) which has been named a “terrorist organization” by one of America’s closest Islamic allies.   

 Hey, says Malinowski, what does an actual Islamic government know about what motivates Islamic terrorism anyway? Why should we listen to them? And so he goes on aiding and abetting while trying to focus the attention of Americans on each other.

Of course, Tom Malinowski really doesn’t give a hang about actual Muslim people anyway. He totally dissed the Muslim Rohingya minority in Myanmar, as they were suffering from what the United Nations called "genocide". This was when Malinowski was a top official at the State Department. Later, Tom Malinowski joined a business venture that sought to build Myanmar’s economy while the government of Myanmar was exterminating actual Muslims in an actual case of genocide.

Apparently the term “Islamophobia” only applies to speech… not to genocide.

Democrats like Congressman Malinowski (and, it must be said, quite a few Republicans) appear unable to call out acts of hate motivated by a belief in radical Islam or by the impasse between Palestine and Israel. But as Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard points out, these same Democrats (and their GOP counterparts) are quite content to support actions against Islamic civilians and send the American military into the field to fight and die against an Islamic enemy.

The great hypocrisy of woke Democrats is to support war-making candidates for President (and, with Tulsi Gabbard pushed out of the debates by the Democrat Establishment, they are ALL wannabe “warriors”) while complaining about “Islamophobia” in others.

Hey Establishment Democrats!!! If you really care so much about ill-will between working class Americans and Muslims, then stop sending working class Americans to war against Muslims. Stop telling people to be careful about what they say, but that it is okay to kill (when instructed) or to support policies that kill. Stop the violence you are doing instead of trying to monitor the speech that is a natural result of the violence that YOU send people to commit.

In the end, this is all about the absolution of sin. The people screaming “white supremacy” the loudest know their policies kill actual everyday Muslims, so they seek to change the focus so that they can feel good about themselves. The fact that they blame the very people who they send to war to fight Muslims is horrific.

Perhaps such hypocrisy itself should be labeled a “Hate Crime”?