Rasmussen Polling: Voters think “Socialist” sucks

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Forget that a few “Democratic Socialists” have achieved victory in some fringe districts… forget that they and the Women’s March/ Action Together/ Indivisible/ Antifa crowd are trying to drag their party into embracing the word “Socialist” and all that comes with it (think Venezuela)… 

Rasmussen Reports issued polling today that shows that to be a bad plan… a very bad plan:

“When it comes to political labels, moderate and conservative are best for candidates, socialist the worst. 

Rasmussen Reports in its latest national telephone and online survey asked Likely U.S. Voters about five major political labels and whether they would be considered a positive description of a candidate, a negative one on somewhere in between. Moderate is viewed as a positive by 39%, and just as many (38%) say the same of conservative. Thirty-three percent (33%) consider progressive a positive political description, followed closely by liberal (31%). Moderate is a negative description for a candidate for 14%; 26% feel that way about conservative. Thirty-three percent (33%) regard both liberal and progressive as negative descriptions.

The newcomer in this year’s survey is socialist, and it’s a label to avoid, voters say. Just 16% think it’s a positive description if a candidate is described as politically socialist. Nearly half (48%) view it as a negative description, while 30% say it’s somewhere in between the two.”

Just 24% of Democrats, 23% of younger voters, 19% of Black voters, and 31% of self-described Liberals view the word “Socialist” in a positive way. 

There are the toplines, here is the wording… 

National Survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters

Conducted September 13 and 16, 2018
By Rasmussen Reports

1* Suppose a candidate was described to you as politically liberal. Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

2* What if a candidate was described to you as politically conservative? Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

3* What about a candidate who was described to you as politically moderate? Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

4* Suppose a candidate was described to you as politically progressive. Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

5* Suppose a candidate was described to you as politically socialist. Would you consider that a positive description, a negative description, or somewhere in between?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.