Democrats want to tell us what we can & can’t laugh at.

By Andy Gide

On the Statement from SCDC Chair Katie Rotondo…

I was very offended by the chair of the Sussex County Democratic Committee’s use of the word “Chairwoman” in the opening line of her statement regarding the Community College Board of Trustees. I mean, how unwoke!

Does “she” get that the gender neutral term is “Chair” and that “Chairwoman” is not only misogynistic but transphobic as well? This from the so-called “boss lady” of a purportedly “progressive” organization and a camp follower of Governor Murphy himself. How offensive and from a source who should know better!

How many isms and phobias can you list?

Ms. Rotondo, who claims affiliations on both sides of the aisle, strings together a litany of condemnations against her Republican counterpart, Mr. Jerry Scanlan. Against him she levels charges of “racism, sexism, prejudice, homophobia, religious intolerance, xenophobia and more”. Why not list it? Did Ms. Rotondo run out of time, or space? Did her memory lapse? Or was the spelling too much for her?

One thing Ms. Rotondo didn’t list is anti-Semitism. How could she? The anti-Semitism of the four Congresswomen is whose names Ms. Rotondo started this jihad is well established by other Democrats. So anti-Semitism is something that you will not hear her discuss.

It is clear that Ms. Rotondo has a personal dislike for Mr. Jerry Scanlan. Why else would she spend the time sifting through tens of thousands of “tweets” on his private social media page to find a handful she could claim “offense” over? Perhaps she followed him, went through his garbage, his laundry, his underwear?

Who is Ms. Rotondo to say what is and what isn’t racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or intolerance, or xenophobic? She is a Murphy operative who resides in Sussex County. Someone with an opinion among a billion people with opinions. All have their individual interpretations of what is racist, or sexist, and so on.

There is a great deal of political comedy these days. Some of it is very good, some of it falls flat. Has Ms. Rotondo ever complained about a Democrat? Of course not. Too often what you laugh at has more to do with your political party registration than a healthy sense of humor. Then there is the more recent phenomenon of wishing to suppress what you don’t find funny, of using one of those labels to suppress it.

Who is Ms. Rotondo to tell us what we can and can’t laugh at? Who gave her that power? Certainly not the people. Nobody voted for her. Murphy appointed her.

If she were a true “social justice warrior” we would have heard from her when fellow Murphy operative Katie Brennen was raped by a Murphy higher-up and told to shut up and take it. But where was Ms. Rotondo? Nowhere. Silent. She does as she is told.

Mr. Jerry Scanlan sits on the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College (SCCC) an entity that was found to be corrupt not too many years ago, when a few of its trustees had to resign. From everything we hear, Mr. Scanlan has served the Board well and has helped to reform it. Although he is the Chair of the Sussex County Republican Committee (and as such, Ms. Rotondo’s direct competitor), Mr. Scanlan has never been known to bring partisan politics into the Board’s meetings.

Now, thanks to Ms. Rotondo, partisan politics has been brought into the Board’s meetings and will, if left unchecked, corrupt and disfigure the entire community college.

Not very long ago, there was another attempt to bring partisan politics into the Sussex County Community College’s Board of Trustees. It involved the appointment of Howard Burrell to the Board.

Howard Burrell was a former Freeholder and active in partisan politics for the Democratic Party. Among the people he supported were some very controversial characters including those who represented importers of narcotics into our region.

Some thought that in the midst of an opioid crisis that is ending countless lives, a decision to support such a candidate should count against Mr. Burrell. The all elected Republican Freeholder Board chose to ignore the partisan political record of Mr. Burrell and appoint him anyway. Partisan politics was not allowed to be a factor. The actions of Ms. Rotondo will change all of that.

Because of Ms. Rotondo’s need to spy on her neighbors, to be offended, and to bring partisan politics into the Board of Trustees of Sussex County Community College, now it will always be about partisan politics. All the time. The question is… will anyone ever pass muster again?

Everyone should be horrified over what she has done. Everyone should condemn her destructive and oppressive actions.

Did he cover for a Nazi? Democrats placed in bad spot by Malinowski.

When a Republican legislator attended a country music concert last year and was photographed standing in front of the band’s banner, he was excoriated by a long list of Democrats because that band banner incorporated aspects of a “rebel” flag.  The Democrats promptly accused the Republican legislator of being a racist (even though he has African-American family members who quickly came to his defense) and called for his resignation and a boycott of his business (a course of action that caused the Executive Director of the local County Democratic Committee to break with her party and come to the defense of the Republican).

Last week, Democrat U.S. Senator Cory Booker got caught holding up an anti-Israel sign and calling for the destruction of the border security wall that has done so much to reduce the number of terrorist murders of innocent women and children by Islamic extremists.  It was a grossly irresponsible act by the increasingly light-weight, childish Senator.


Now it’s emerged that Democrat Tom Malinowski ran an organization that was decidedly anti-Israel and that employed as one of its top operatives, a guy who is obsessed with the Third Reich.  In a column published in yesterday’s  Times of Israel, journalist Robert Goldberg writes:  “Tom Malinowski Defended Advisor’s Nazi Fetish.”

The author notes how Tom Malinowski ran Human Rights Watch’s Washington, DC, office when it came out that Marc Garlasco, Human Rights Watch’s longtime senior military advisor was “an enthusiastic collector of Nazi memorabilia.”  The column continues:  “Rather than speak out against ‘any sign of anti-Semitism’, Malinowski defended Garlasco, claiming he was just a student of history and that his critics were part ‘of a campaign to deflect attention from Human Rights Watch’s rigorous and detailed reporting on violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by the Israeli government.’”

That’s right Tom, blame the Jews themselves for the anti-Semitism inflicted upon them.  The column continues…

“The website NGO Monitor which was critical of Human Rights Watch for claiming – based on Garlasco’s assessment – Israel was guilty of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead – noted at the time, that collecting Nazi memorabilia in many European countries is illegal. ‘It is banned on many internet sites and from auction houses….The Simon Wiesenthal Center notes it glorifies the horrors of Nazi Germany.'”

Garlasco’s Screen Logo

Garlasco’s Screen Logo

Garlasco’s Flak-88 Mini Cooper

Garlasco’s Flak-88 Mini Cooper

“Garlasco’s screen logo was a picture of a German badge with a swastika.  His screen name on the Nazi memorabilia sites was Flak88, which is a German anti-aircraft gun but also a code for ‘Heil Hitler’ used by neo-Nazis to identify themselves. Though Garlasco likely knew of the dual meaning, NGO Monitor notes, ‘he even used it on his license plate (a practice which is banned in Germany) and as a screen name on websites unrelated to his Nazi collection.’  When he obtained a leather SS jacket Garlasco gushed that it made his ‘blood ran cold.  It is so COOL.’”

“… in September 2007, Garlasco wrote: ‘Need advice. So I am trying to figure out what to do. My book [on Nazi war medals] is clsoe [sic] to done, but I am not sure if I should put my name on it. If folks at work found out I might very well lose my job. That is the reality, so don’t dwell on it – ok? But this is a small group of people – should I worry? And shouldn’t I stand up for myself? And if I use a psyeudonym [sic] isn’t that worse, like I am trying to hide something?’

Garlasco then added, ‘I will talk quietly to some at work that I trust – a small group indeed.’”

“If he did talk to people at HRW in 2007, it means that someone at the organization knew about his fetish two years before he was exposed and did nothing then, as well as in 2009. HRW was, at the time, leading the effort to get the United Nations, Obama administration and Congress to endorse the Goldstone report which concluded Israel had committed war crimes and released several reports urging endorsement.  Garlasco’s claims that Israel deliberately bombed civilians and used incendiary weapons during Operation Cast Lead were cited repeatedly by the report. And Garlasco’s reports – as well as he alleged military expertise —  were being successfully .”

“…Through all this, Malinowski, who had no problem praising Garlasco before the controversy, remained silent.  Garlasco was suspended without pay pending an investigation, if It was ever conducted, has not been discussed publicly.

Malinowski’s behavior during the Garlasco affair not a profile in courage. It was an act of political expediency.  It raises the question of whether Malinowski would have defended  Garlasco was an exuberant collector KKK memorabilia. In either case, the fascination with an evil regime dedicated to killing Jews (and African Americans) is a disturbing fetish that Malinowski and HRW defended as scholarship.”

The author notes that Malinowski’s “actions then and now were inconsistent with his moralizing about running for Congress… But it is consistent with Malinowski’s leadership of HRW when it supported the virulently anti-Semitic Durban Conference on Racism in 2001 and in 2009, which, as the Forward noted, was ‘the blueprint and launching pad for the modern iteration of the boycott movement against Israel, otherwise known as BDS’.”

Author Robert Goldberg closes by asking Tom Malinowski to disclose…

“It is consistent with his leadership in developing and defending the discredited Goldstone Report as well as vigorous efforts to get the world to condemn Israel based on that review. Indeed, it is consistent with Malinowski’s accepting the endorsement of a group that honored Linda Sarsour (an admirer of Louis Farrakhan).

Mr. Malinowski should provide the public with a full and honest explanation of his defense of Garlasco’s Nazi souvenir collection as well as HRW’s campaign against Israel. It’s what any normal, decent person would do.”

Well, well, all you Democrats who lost your ass over that band banner in 2017, what say you now?  Crickets?  Well here’s a heads up, you are not going to get away with saying nothing.  We’re going to get you all on the record on this and on Booker… so beware next time someone comes up to you and says those dreaded words:  “Pardon me…”